Montag, 12. April 2021

Bäume schlagen aus... / The trees are budding...

Gemeint ist da wohl der Blattaustrieb bzw. das Aufbrechen der Blattknospen. Innert kürzester Zeit (wenigen Tagen) erhält ein Baum so sein Blattwerk. Ein faszinierender Vorgang. Zu beobachten im Garten, im Wald bei einem Spaziergang. Einfach nur schauen!


What is meant here is probably the leaf sprouting or the breaking open of the leaf buds. Within shortest time (few days) a tree receives its leafage in such a way. A fascinating process. To observe in the garden, in the forest during a walk. Just have a look!

The Emerald Network is a Europeanwide network that seeks to protect endangered animal and plant species and natural habitats listed in the 
Bern Convention. To obtain Emerald status, species and/or habitats must meet Emerald criteria under the Bern Convention. After successful 
consultation with the cantons, Switzerland has registered 37 sites with the Council of Europe.

Emerald sites (Federal Office for the Environment FOEN)

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